Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Credit Card Terminologies - Authorize Card

Authorize Card authorizes a credit card purchase from the cardholder's bank. Before using Authorize Card, your company must do the following:

Establish a merchant account with your company's bank. See the CyberSource Support Center for more information.
Provide the identifying numbers for your bank account. For example, FDMS requires both merchant identification numbers (MID) and terminal identification numbers (TID), while Paymentech requires the division number.
To authorize a credit card transaction, Authorize Card performs the following tasks:

Calculates the total amount for an order by totaling the cost of each offer in the order.
Requests credit card authorization from the issuing bank for the total amount.
Places a temporary hold against the customer's credit card for the total amount of the order. Most authorizations expire within five to seven days, but the bank that issued the card determines the length of the authorization.

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